홈다음 화살표

About KIRD

다음 화살표



Symbol Mark

The symbol of the Korea Institute of Human Resources Development in Science and Technology was created by focusing on
Simplicity and Intuitiveness with the concept of relentless self-development, change, and innovation of creative R&D talents.

The motive of the theme is embodied by 人 which is the first consonant of Korean language and a new sprout merging from the Chinese character,
and it means continuous self-development, change, and innovation of creative R&D talents through training.

  • Horizontal Type


    Vertical Type

  • Adapted Type

Regulation on Prohibited Forms

Regulation on prohibited forms is a prohibition regulation regarding misuse case of CI and all other situations that may cause distortion of image should be excluded other than the regulations exemplified in this paragraph.

  • 심볼과 지정 로고타입의 비례가 잘못된 로고

    In case of wrong proportion of the symbol and the designated logo type

  • 지정 로고타입을 세로로 늘린 로고

    In case the designated logo type is expanded vertically

  • 지정 로고타입을 가로로 늘린 로고

    In case the designated logo type is expanded horizontally

  • 구성요소중 일부분을 임의로 삭제한 로고

    In case part of the elements are deleted arbitrarily

  • 임의로 시그니쳐를 변형한 로고

    In case the signature is changed arbitrarily

  • 임의의 로고타입을 적용한 로고

    In case the logo type is applied arbitrarily

Regulation on Color prohibition

Regulation on Color prohibition is a prohibition regulation regarding misuse case of CI and all other situations that may cause distortion of image should be excluded other than the regulations exemplified in this paragraph.

  • 지정컬러 이외의 색을 사용한 로고

    In case colors other than the designated colors are used

  • 심볼에 임의의 효과를 준 로고

    In case an effect to the symbol is given arbitrarily

  • 외곽선을 적용한 로고

    In case an outline is applied

  • 최소공간규정을 고려하지 않고 배치한 로고

    In case it is arranged without considering the minimum space regulations

  • 배경색과의 구분이 어려운 로고

    In case it is difficult to make distinction with the background color

  • 복잡한 패턴 위에 적용한 로고

    In case it is applied on top of a complex pattern